Rules, Risks & Etiquette

All riders are required to read, understand and adhere to the rules and etiquette detailed below.


We are a polite and respectful group.

Always Say hello and thank you to walkers and other trail users and pass safely.

There must be a designated ride leader. Let others know if you are unable to keep up, have a problem or have decided to leave the group ride.

Advise if a rider is off the back or struggling, always look after the riders behind you.

Do not pass a junction or fork in the trail if you are ahead of the leader. You may not know the route and will get lost.

Do not react to bad driving incidents or comments with gestures or replies.

Groups with larger numbers should split into smaller sub-groups and distance themselves accordingly to help traffic flow.

Shout Outs and Calls-

“Horse(s)” Take special care and pass as widely and slowly as possible. Make sure horse and rider are aware of your presence and say hello and thank you. Stop and wait at the side of the track or keep pedalling slowly and keep noise to a minimum depending on the situation.

“Doggo” Take special care around dogs and make sure the owner is aware of your presence and say hello and thank you.

“Car back” There is a vehicle coming up behind the group.

“Car front” There is a vehicle approaching towards the riders. If a vehicle is unable to pass safely if you are 2 abreast the outside rider drops back behind the inside rider.

“Clear” or “Car” on “Left/Right” call alerts at junctions – Riders behind must also always check before proceeding rather than solely relying on the calls.

“Hole Left/Right, Tree” A general warning of some kind of hazard

“Stopping” with right hand moving in an up and down action. If you brake without letting those behind know your intention they can easily run into you.

“Puncture/ Mechanical” Let others know we will wait while you repair it.


Risk can never be totally eliminated but can be mitigated by following these rules and guidance.

All riders who take part in our rides do so at their own risk.

Riders under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

A helmet must be worn on every ride. Wear appropriate protection such as knee and elbow pads. Anyone taking part in a group ride does so at their own risk.

Get your bike checked regularly and check it before every ride. Everyone riding with the group must ensure their bike is road and off road worthy and is mechanically sound.

All riders are strongly advised to be members of either British Cycling or Cycling UK in order to be personally covered by third party liability insurance.

Ride leaders will point out, to the rider concerned, anything which may be of potential risk to others.

Incidents of a serious nature may result in a member being expelled from the group.

Riders must carry a form of ID that shows their name, address and emergency contact details.

Riding with the group you acknowledge the dangers of participating in cycling and fully assume the risks associated with it including, without limitation, the risk of collision with other riders, vehicles and fixed and moving objects, risks arising from surface hazards, equipment failure and weather conditions potentially leading to serious physical injury and/or loss of life.

Everyone riding with the group is consenting to take part in the activity, which may include being in a traffic free environment and/or on the public highway, and understand and agree that they are participating at their risk, taking full and entire responsibility for their own safety.

Riding with the group you are agreeing to be aware of your own limitations, to be responsible for the condition, adequacy and safety of your equipment, and to ride neither to endanger yourselves or others.

Riding with the group you are agreeing to hold the ride leader and other participants harmless from all claims (including those resulting from negligence or omission), including claims for physical injury or loss suffered in connection with group activities.

Riding with the group you are agreeing to notify the ride leader of any medical condition or information you feel that the ride leader should know about before participating in the ride.

Note: If a rider has any concerns about participating in any form of physical activity, they should consult their GP before giving their consent to taking part in a group ride.